Recent Posts

Genetics Program Faculty Receive Grant Awards

Congratulations to our Genetics Program Faculty on their recent Grant Awards!    Trudy Mackay and Robert Anholt received a five-year $2,484,110 grant from the National Institute on Drug...

Developmental Origins of Schizophrenia

Article authored by Qichuan (Brent) Chen, Genetics Program Graduate Ph.D. Student   On September 18th, Dr. Daniel Weinberger, director and CEO of the Lieber Institute...

Genetics Faculty Co-Author Breeding Textbook

The textbook “Genetic Data Analysis for Plant and Animal Breeding,” co-authored by three NC State Genetics Program scientists – Drs. Fikret Isik, James Holland, and...

Genetics Program Seminar Speaker Dr. Michael McConnell

Dr. Michael McConnell from the University of Virginia School of Medicine, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics gave a seminar talk entitled, “Using human induced...

Two BioSci Faculty Receive NIH/NIEHS Grant Awards

Congratulations to Dr. Cathrine Hoyo and Dr. Michael Cowley!   Dr. Michael Cowley is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biological Sciences. The Cowley...

Thanks to Our Vendors for Supporting the GGSA!

The Genetics Graduate Student Association sponsored Vendor Show on November 10th, 2016 was a great success! We had five vendors including Q2Solutions- EA Genomics, Leica...