The Undergraduate Degree in Genetics
is a unique program that offers undergraduate majors classroom training in fundamentals of genetics and other sciences, as well as opportunities for meaningful research experience. The new degree in genetics is the first major in genetics in the UNC system.
The genetics major complements other degree programs in the biological and life sciences at NC State, as it prepares students for further graduate study, professional schools (such as medical, dental, veterinary) or careers in industries whose products are based on biological and agricultural research, including biopharmaceutical and biotechnology companies. Building on the strength of NC State as a leader in science and technology, graduates from the program may easily earn a concurrent minor in any of the other life sciences curricula, as well as other programs like statistics or biotechnology.
Responsible conduct as a scientist and citizen will be emphasized in the genetics coursework, and students will also have the opportunities for public service and engagement through participation in the departmental genetics outreach program. Students will be challenged to master their coursework while practicing hands-on problem-solving in both the classroom and active research settings and students will be required to read the primary literature and present papers and their research findings, thus gaining valuable experience in scientific communication.
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Genetics Accelerated Bachelors-Masters Program
Interested in an pursuing a Masters degree in Genetics while finishing your undergraduate degree? The Genetics program offers an Accelerated Bachelors-Masters degree that would allow you to finish in 5 years! For information, please contact Dr. Reade Roberts (rbrober2@ncsu.edu) and Tyler DeAtley (tdeatle@ncsu.edu) for more information!
- The minimum requirements for admission to the Undergraduate Program in Genetics are a cumulative GPA of 3.0 or higher and a grade of ‘B’ or better in GN 311.
- The application is to be submitted electronically using the Change of Degree Application (CODA) system.
- For more information about applying, visit genetics.sciences.ncsu.edu/undergraduate-major-in-genetics/
- The Genetics Club is an undergraduate student organization that holds regular meetings and hosts events throughout the semester.
- For more information, visit the Genetics Club on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ncstategeneticsclub/ or our Get Involved site: https://genetics.sciences.ncsu.edu/undergraduate-program/ You can also be added to our mailing list https://groups.google.com/a/ncsu.edu/g/group-genetics-club to hear about upcoming events..
- For an overview of the Genetics Major Requirements, visit genetics.sciences.ncsu.edu/undergraduate-program/undergraduate-academics/